
Enjoy the OmnIMAX experience! (Destiny)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Tuesday, August 01, 2017, 13:00 (2774 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm gunna forge ahead with using the terminology. here's a few links that explain (for that last link, you can read the middle image as 70mm, it will be more detailed, but still a different aspect ratio). If they have a 15/70 projector, you'll probably know it. It's enormous and very expensive so they usually make a big deal about it. The Weather itself should be a tip off too. The angle of setting is MUCH more steep than you would be used to elsewhere, if you are in a 15/70 IMAX theater.

As for digital, I don't think any place has replaced a 15/70 with digital (see again size and expense). Seriously, think a size ranging from van to tractor-trailer truck. Usually the digital projectors were added in so they could slide into position if they wanted to use the there for a non-IMAX film, or if they wanted to save shipping cost on a hybrid film. In other words, you shouldn't need to worry about a 15/70 "switching to digital". OTOH, you DO need to worry about a standard theater being converted to IMAX digital theater. that will be disappointing if the film was built for 15/70. OTOH (wait, how many hands do I have?) The IMAX Digital Laser projectors are pretty sweet (dual 4K and bright as hell) so I'm not saying to avoid them for anything not shot in 15/70.

Finally, as someone who used to work in an OmnIMAX, my subject line was being facetious; I don't recommend seeing it there. Sometimes it is worthwhile for feature films, but the spherical screen usually makes it feel too distorted. If you do, though, be there when the door opens to get a seat RIGHT NEXT to the projector box in the middle. Any other seat will be garbage for a feature film.

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