
I have to dissent here. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, July 31, 2017, 02:31 (2717 days ago) @ Harmanimus

I hear what you're saying, and you're right - we already remember 100s of weapons across a dozen or so games... what's the big deal? The big deal is that it's a pain in the ass to find a gun that feels great in one game mode and doesn't feel great in the other. You're left hunting for something that feels the same as a gun you already have, just in a different mode. And then you've got two guns again, except oh it's patch time and now everything is different and instead of hunting for one good feeling replacement, you need two, again.

It's doubling your gear grind, and doing so in a particularly frustrating fashion. Like Tantalus, the thing you desire is right there in front of you, yet frustratingly out of reach. If we'd done this on any of the games I worked on, I'd have felt like a huge asshole to the players (and keep in mind that I was once nothing but a professional griefer for three straight months).

So yes, you're right - the players can adapt. Instead of saying "I need a gun that feels like Thorn" you'll be saying "I need a gun that feels like PvE Thorn from the 1.2 patch. God I miss that gun." Everyone will know what you mean. But, really, you'll need two guns that feel that way, and you'll have to be lucky enough for one of them to feel that way in pvp while the other feels that way in pve. And that, my friend, is a shit sandwich I hope we never have to eat.

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