
Not to me. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 16:47 (2719 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Good grief.

Edit: In thinking over Lukes response, I'm finding myself very mixed. Regardless, the proof will be in eating the pudding.

Um... if “PVP and PVE are balanced separately in many ways” wasn’t the good / correct answer that you wanted to hear, what do you want, exactly? Should it play like Halo in PvE but Counter-Strike in the Crucible or something??

I’m of the opinion that many people who talk about Bungie needing to separate PvE and PvP balance willfully ignore the many times we’ve seen that they are adjusted separately. And they are already getting a head start making their same erroneous complaints for Destiny 2.

I fixed the quote for you.

Confidence. What I saw during Destiny & Destiny 2 Beta, even if as I have mentioned, to do so with the Beta is flawed.

I cling to Halo, because that was the last time I being a Bungie fan meant I didn't have to worry - It's Bungie. The game will be good. No different then when you see a game made by Naughty Dog, Blizzard, or Insomniac Games from the top of my head.

I know this is a Bungie fan site, and overall there is a part of me who is still a Bungie fan, but I'm not giving Bungie the confidence of the doubt because they say so. That died the first year when WE were marketed a game that did not exist. I don't care whose fault it was, I expected better from Bungie. I emotionally invested and I lost it all. While they did make efforts to undo the damage done; the damage was done.

If you Ragashingo can give me EXACT details, of what "PVP and PVE are balanced separately in many ways" means, then in all honesty I would love to find out. For now through I don't know what that means. In the past, I would have gladly given such a vague quote the benefit of the doubt, because it's Bungie - JUST as you have said you are doing. To each their own.

I know I am very much a dissenting voice at this point, but please understand it is not done simply out to be in dissent. I have no idea, I can't see it, if my posts here make a difference, but what you are witnessing is my expression to my last shred of hope.

Perhaps in my new disenfranchised take I am being too harsh, but that's my work in progress. A brave new world indeed. Bungie doesn't owe me or any of us here a darned thing. They can do as they darn well please. It's their game, filled with hard work and long nights.

All I want as a fan, is one thing; THEY EARN IT! If that is too much, then I might be in the wrong forum with my current attitude on things.

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