
Not to me. (Destiny)

by Yapok @, Sunday, July 30, 2017, 05:20 (2718 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Even though raga is getting a bit unnecessarily frustrated, i believe he is asking if you have specific examples where it is annoying that Bungie has decided to keep things the same between PVE and PvP. A great example where i would love to see them handled separately is sniper flinch. Its super unfun in pve to have harsh sniper flinch, but it makes sense in pvp. In pve you are always getting hit by AI it doesn't make sense to punish you for wanting to snipe in this scenario by making the scope shake all over the screen upon hit.

Range nerfs for pvp have also made pve unfun. They have made whole archetypes less fun in pve to make them balanced in pvp. Suddenly weapons no longer felt as good. Having something fun in pve suddenly lose power, especially if its your favorite thing, feels bad. Except for where a weapon is breaking the game as the only one to use (gjallerhorn) you shouldn't make weapons in pve less fun to use by losing their effectiveness just to balamce pve.

Another excellent example is with perks. Remeber the nerfs to field scout? It made sense for pvp, but in pve it kinda sucked. Great HMGS suddenly became less desirable because of low ammo counts.

They have even done cases where they lowered the damage across both modes too strictly. An example of this could be vex mythoclast i think. It was too strong in pvp but it got reduced everywhere.

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