Hmm... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, August 01, 2017, 15:03 (2731 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Could you point to good source that tells which is which? I know some that were film have converted to digital.

On the theatre dropdown, 70mm means 5/70. IMAX 70mm means 15/70. Looks like you have a 2.5 hour drive to see IMAX 70mm (The Charlotte Observer IMAX Dome, Discovery Place).

So I visited that site, and it showed Seattle and surrounding area. However, the only IMAX 70mm theater (I think) in the area is NOT on the list. (It shows the theater - at the Pacific Science Center - on the map, but it's greyed out, and cannot be selected.)


PSC is the icon on the left of that image. Non-selectable.

I'm not POSITIVE it's the right kind of IMAX theater, because I don't know how to check - but I just wanted people to be aware that this tool is limited. :(

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