
HDR, perhaps not a big deal now but it will be. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 09:57 (2719 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN
edited by Korny, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 10:27

Other developers had prepared their games for 4K, HDR and Wide Colour Gamut. Bungie it seems, not so much.

Bungie is still throwing out that bilge that they don't know what they can do with D2 on XB1X when other game developers have already announced their game upgrades. The development kits have been out for months. Even PUBG is running on it (looking forward to it too).

It's clearly not a priority, given their general development replies (remember that Private Matches haven't even been worked into D2 for launch).

Many of you have said 1080p is good enough and you're not upgrading now, so it doesn't affect you. Reality check. TVs are already highly available as 4K, HDR and WCG. Only the low end TVs are 1080p now. So we're looking at perhaps three years of our favorite game (D2) being the dog in the 4K pony show. It's going to burn a bit and as the months go by, it going to get a little burny-er.

I think you're vastly overestimating the 4k market and the standards that people will have in a few years. Just last year, there were many people playing Destiny at 720p on last-gen consoles. And not only that, but the xXboneXx crowd is going to be a very niche market. 4k will likely not be a priority for Bungie until 2020 at the earliest, and that's mostly because the "4K" consoles will have a decent install base.

Let's look at the numbers:
PS4 has well over a 2:1 sales ratio over the Xbone. Of those, it has a 4:1 sale ratio to the PS4 Pro. And of those purchases, how many do you imagine have a 4ktv? TV sales in general seem to be declining more or less steadily over the past five years, as more people finally have 1080p TVs (Heck, just this past week, my brother got himself a 720p TV, and he's happy with it. Go figure). I dunno. Despite Microsoft spamming the term "4K" over and over at E3, I really don't hear a whole lot of people actually falling for it. What will be the Xbone to XOXO sales ratio (even Phil Spencer has a bit of a bleak outlook)? How long do you think it will take for even a third of console players to have a 4K-supporting console?
Given how small the userbase will be (it's practically non-existent at this point compared to the existing playerbase), do you think that 4k/HDR/WCG are high demand features from the consumer base? No. Then why would a developer put the extra manpower into them now rather than later?

If anything, HDR is likely to be their earliest focus, since even Launch day PS4s support it, even if the majority of TVs in the world currently don't.

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