
Enjoy the OmnIMAX experience! (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, August 01, 2017, 12:51 (2716 days ago) @ Kermit

Could you point to good source that tells which is which? I know some that were film have converted to digital.


On the theatre dropdown, 70mm means 5/70. IMAX 70mm means 15/70. Looks like you have a 2.5 hour drive to see IMAX 70mm (The Charlotte Observer IMAX Dome, Discovery Place).

So you have to look this up on a per-movie basis?

I don't know what 5/70 or 15/70 means. I just want a web site that explains it and has current information. I'm afraid an old article I used to refer to is outdated. I've heard they've "updated" at least one of the IMAX screens in D.C. to digital.

I don't even know how you found Charlotte using that site. It didn't let me select IMAX only and didn't show theaters that far away from Raleigh. I had to expand the other cities list five times to show Charlotte, and then with no indication until I selected it that it offered IMAX 70Mmm.

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