
Not to me. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 20:25 (2719 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I think it’s fine to be wary about Destiny 2 lives up to what it should be. But there is a difference between waiting to see how the next game turns out vs being overtly negative about what is almost certainly a true statement.

Things like weapon and power damage are handled differently in PvE vs PvP. Even in Destiny 1. There’s no lying there. No concealment. No false promise. Yet you make a show out of sighing and being negative.

Now sure, I doubt you are arguing against that. What you are likely unhappy with is the second part:

So I think what you’re actually asking is “Will the combat rhythm for Destiny 2 diverge across PVE and PVP?” The answer to that is “No.” In Destiny you build a character with a bunch of powers, abilities, and we hope, a combat rhythm that is consistent across the game.

“Ok,” I say. “So what do you, INSANEdrive, want instead?

For my question bolded above, I don’t care one bit about how disenfranchised you feel as a past Bungie fan. That’s a whole different discussion.

Shit. I bitched but I didn't back it up within my original post. I relied too much in the moment on past posts being known. I know better then that! >_< Dumb INSANEdrive! Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

Alright. Oh boy, how do I words this...*(I am having wicked Déjà vu right now. Have we discussed this before?)*

...so first of all, while I concur that while disenfranchisement is it's own discussion, it can't be pushed way completely as it is the fuel for my critical - not negative! - critical view. I'm not simply speaking ill for the sake of it. That is neither my want nor intent to do.

I shall now speak to my curiosity, which shall lead to my want. I'm going to try the simple approach here. PvE & PvP are one, yet I am to be told that PvE is different, and PvP is different. (How damage is calculated... ect.) Then... why do they have PvE & PvP together at all? What advantages does this have!? We have seen first hand the sort of issues that can occur with this system. I don't PvP, but I know loud and clear what is happening in PvP. Oh! Thorn! Oh! Snipers/Shotgun Meta!

What I want is to play in PvE, and not have to know what is happening in PvP because they had to balance something and I have to pay for in a game style I DON'T EVEN PLAY! Right now I read that whole original pve pvp quote with what I am aware of, and I think ..."Half Pregnant". This is also in fairness those those of you who DO primarily play PvP, who enjoy playing in a far more tactical fashion on a level playing field. What I enjoy shouldn't have to bother you either! Let's shut up and shoot some things, be they AI or meat puppet!

Yes, things like weapon and power damage may indeed be handled differently in PvE vs PvP, which was something implemented into Destiny. Yet I'm still hearing things from PvP. PvE and PvP are apparently separate but equal in combat rhythm, because that works! The two modes are EXACTLY alike! But not! Obviously!

Bungie! Prove me wrong! Please! I'll baste my foot right now if I must*!

TL;DR: When I play PvE, I should only have to think about PvE, not the function of cross-gamestyle-play.

*I'm not actually going to do this, it's simply a play on a saying. Has Funkmon eaten that sock yet?

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