HDR, perhaps not a big deal now but it will be. (Destiny)

by DEEP_NNN, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 09:30 (2734 days ago) @ Korny

Other developers had prepared their games for 4K, HDR and Wide Colour Gamut. Bungie it seems, not so much.

Bungie is still throwing out that bilge that they don't know what they can do with D2 on XB1X when other game developers have already announced their game upgrades. The development kits have been out for months. Even PUBG is running on it (looking forward to it too).

Many of you have said 1080p is good enough and you're not upgrading now, so it doesn't affect you. Reality check. TVs are already highly available as 4K, HDR and WCG. Only the low end TVs are 1080p now. So we're looking at perhaps three years of our favorite game (D2) being the dog in the 4K pony show. It's going to burn a bit and as the months go by, it going to get a little burny-er.

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