
Along these lines. RIP Pocket Infinity (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, July 30, 2017, 17:58 (2718 days ago) @ Yapok

Thats definitely another example. Its stuff like this that just feels really bad for a pve player. And its always this way. Its never the reverse, minus probably sunsinger resurrection? What i mean is, things get worse in pve because of pvp balance. Its never the other way around, with pve balance making pvp worse. And thats frustrating for PVE focused players, and a lot of bitterness builds up over it.

I just want to point out that it could easily have been the reverse, but bungie clearly decided they wanted to go the way of nerfing overperforming weapons rather than buffing underperforming ones in pvp. What they did was release a new set of guns with slightly faster overall TTK than the last set with each expansion, so you'd want to use the new guns, and then they'd nerf any of them that outperformed the others. So even though the overall weapon experience was getting stronger and stronger, the community feeling was actually that there was nothing but an endless stream of nerfs.

Also, bungie very, very rarely buffed underperforming weapons.

As I understand it, a big part of this was that all weapons within a class shared a few stats, so if any one weapon did well (Suros Regime, for example) buffing any other AR would make the suros even more absurdly good. Destiny 2 is allegedly designed differently, so that you can adjust the stats of individual weapons without affecting every other weapon in the class (FPS design 101 imo, but I'm glad we got there eventually - I know this is bungie's first time making a game with this may guns and they seem to have made quite a few rookie mistakes in that regard that they have hopefully learned from for their sophomore outing).

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