
Not to me. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, July 31, 2017, 19:09 (2732 days ago) @ Kahzgul
edited by Cody Miller, Monday, July 31, 2017, 19:12

It would be a nightmare.

Then segregate guns. PvP only and PvE only. Maybe you can use PvE guns in Mayhem or something.

You... WHAT? Again - you'd need twice as much vault space since you'd have twice as many guns and armor sets, and you'd have to change gear every time you switched game modes. Did you not read my posts above at all?

No… there are many solutions to that. You assume that the PvP guns would be as numerous as PvE. It could be as simple as the crucible quartermaster's / Iron Lord / Osiris weapons being PvP only. Those are in your vault now.

Okay, let's say there's only ONE gun for PvE and ONE for PvP, which is absurd, but let's assume it. Same for armor. You still need to full change out your equipped weapons and armor every time you switch modes, and that's poor design imo.

Again there are solutions… like saving your guardian's gear for PvP and PvE separately… when you enter PvP it can switch, and when you enter PvE switch back automatically…

In Diablo 2 this switching was done manually either with clicking a tab, or hitting 'w'. You can now change your second set of gear. So hard.

if you are in a lobby or activity, it could display the appropriate set automatically. If you're in orbit with nothing selected, then you can manually switch between both.

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