
HDR, perhaps not a big deal now but it will be. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, July 31, 2017, 16:56 (2717 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by Cody Miller, Monday, July 31, 2017, 16:59

I agree with you that the 4K train is already established and in motion. My point (and I believe Cody's point) is that when it comes to video games, the push to 4K is at best inefficient use of resources, and at worst actually harming the end products of games that are making that push, at least right now. So far, I have yet to hear of a single game that runs at 4K on the PS4 Pro without suffering other performance issues (usually frame-rate related). The problem I have with the whole push towards 4K is that it is purely marketing driven. It offers little-to-no benefit to gamers, and is actually often a detriment so far, but Sony and Microsoft are basically forcing it as a priority despite this.

It's not just performance issues. There's plenty of PS4 Pro games that run fine. It's that they could be using all that GPU power to really crank up the effects / shaders / etc and make the game look better! Remember, 4K is literally 4x as hard to render as 1080p. So why not render at 1080p, then use the remaining 75% to make the 1080p look even better? All the PS4 Pro graphical enhancements thus far have been basically not noticeable. By the time you get up to 4K, you don't have anything left to spare for improvements.

It takes 4x the power to render a 4K image without any enhancements over a 1080p one. You are sacrificing 3/4 of your GPU for literally no benefit. And yes I know parallel processing / different compute units blah blah blah and it's not really 3/4, but you get the idea.

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