
Once again, Skill Up's thoughts are pretty great. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, June 06, 2018, 13:18 (2160 days ago) @ Korny

so even though I liked it, I can acknowledge the disappointment that it was. :v

And there's my issue. Everyone that dislikes Destiny 2 or thinks it was disappointing or whatever else automatically infers that folks that think it was good or even great are just buying into Bungie's bullshit or have been tricked into liking it or are looking through rose colored glasses, or however you want to phrase it. I'm not exactly accusing you of doing that, but that's certainly how it reads to me.

Just last night I listened to someone talk about how they prefer the new Renown system because it forces them to do patrols and Public Events on the way to Lost Sectors and it forces a change of scenery. That's great! It really is but . . . some of us don't hate ourselves and have been playing like that the whole time. And I think that example can be stretched to nearly every complaint about the progression and investment and loot of Destiny. I'm not giving Bungie a pass, I think all of that stuff needs work still. Locking catalysts behind Rank 50 in a Faction and forcing players to pledge to every faction once a season to get them all seems extreme to me, for example. But I'll live without that Sweet Business catalyst until they undoubtedly make it available somewhere else next season.

I just think there's a dichotomy in the way the community in general plays Destiny and the way Destiny is designed to be played. I hate putting the "blame" so to speak on the players, but I think it's at least partially necessary here. Most of the things people complain about simply aren't a problem if they would just slow the hell down and not try and laser focus on one thing at a time. I stopped doing that a few weeks ago, and my attitude towards Destiny has changed dramatically. There's three more months still left in this season--why does the entire internet think they need to finish every quest and get every catalyst this week?

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