by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Friday, March 01, 2013, 12:26 (4372 days ago) @ Cody Miller

But what if the game is well worth its $60 and the extras are just there to further enhance it? Sure, the game could be better, but if it is already worth its $60, how am I losing in the first place?

Meaningless. What does it mean to be worth 60 dollars? If you make 10 million a year, don't you think you'd value 60 dollars relatively little? Conversely if you make 20K a year, 60 dollars can be a major expenditure after bills.

Whether a game is worth the price or not is an entirely individual assessment, and so this shouldn't be a factor when you try to think of game design.


But you're assigning "value" to the $60 game by saying it's universally "bad design" to have microtransactions. Value is entirely subjective. And the point is, there are <i>plenty</i> of people who will value a game at $60, yet still happily go about taking advantage of microtransactions to <i>enhance</i> their experience. "Bad design" to you is perfectly fine and enjoyable design to someone else.

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