
Regarding gear... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 15:48 (3264 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've had to make the decision 3 times now in destiny to not be a collector. Every time I make this decision I dismantle a bunch of stuff and I've rarely regretted it. (My swordbreaker from my first crota run I think is the only long term regret I've had -- I rage sharded it and 5-6 other shotguns when that's all I was getting for rewards for a few weeks) This past weekend I sharded a fully levelled dragon's breath. I've never really used it, can't see that I ever will. I've had 4 different SGA's. I'm currently at one, and I've already wondered why I upgraded it to 365 -- I never use it, and when I do I regret it. it sits in my warlock's inventory wishing it were gjallarhorn. (I wish they had added voice-over to that, would have been super fun!)

I have a couple pulse rifles, scout rifles, shotguns that are "great rolls" that sit in my vault the vast majority of the time. Some are unused, unleveled, some are looking really pretty but not really used.

Legendary gear drops more readily with this expansion. We're getting more keys for PoE. We get more legendary engrams. Strikes have doubled your chances of rewards, and with it, the chance for legendaries. Weeklies are runnable relatively solo with matchmaking, they give out legendaries maybe 1/4 the time. Daily heroics seem to be about 10% chance to drop a legendary.

We have purples, particularly weapons, coming out our ears.

I've taken a good look at myself and decided that vault space, too much gear, isn't my problem. My expectations are that I should have access to everything at any time in this game. On the one hand, I paid for it all, why can't I have it all? On the other, some content isn't made for me. I won't likely ever be an auto-rifle guy; I just don't like the playstyle. So why is it that I have 5 or so vault slots dedicated to auto-rifles? That's the illusion talking; I maybe need 2-3 to keep my future options open. That up for anything with a really good random roll won't ever do me any good -- I should shard it, it's wasting valuable space.

I am the problem. I expect access to everything at any time. The game isn't designed for this -- in fact I think it can be more meaningful because of this.

I am happier now that the expansion has dropped and my hunter basically runs the nightfall and that's it every week. I'm not a hunter. I gave it a try, it's fun now and then. I'm glad I'm mostly a warlock. The game is funner now that I don't feel obligated (for self-imposed reasons) to keep my hunter at the cutting edge. Same goes for ships, weapons shaders, rep, etc.

Let it go. Shard those items that just sit there 98% of the time. You won't miss them.

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