
Regarding gear... (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 16:21 (3267 days ago) @ slycrel

Legendary gear drops more readily with this expansion. We're getting more keys for PoE. We get more legendary engrams. Strikes have doubled your chances of rewards, and with it, the chance for legendaries. Weeklies are runnable relatively solo with matchmaking, they give out legendaries maybe 1/4 the time. Daily heroics seem to be about 10% chance to drop a legendary.

We have purples, particularly weapons, coming out our ears.

I'm a little disappointed in the increased drop rate. Getting a legendary doesn't really feel special anymore. Getting your Nth exotic isn't really exciting either. I almost made a post about this yesterday.

What if......

Instead of just Exotic weapons, we could get an Exotic perk that could be used on any Legendary weapon to create a custom Exotic. The new weapon once forged at the gunsmith could then turn some new color (RED is the best choice obviously) and be labeled as a Mythic. How unique would it be to get the speed boost of Mida on any shotgun of your choice. The wolfpack rounds on your Radeghast Fury so not every PoE would be Ghallafest. Health regen on kills with TDYK so you can say, "F you Thorn!" What about any fusion rifle of your choice that could fire like Mythoclast? The perks already exist and Bungie has shown they can change up the upgrade trees to accept to perk bubbles.

And before we begin to wonder if this is gonna make something OP (like Venom rounds on an Auto rifle :) MAKE THIS SHIT RARE!! Not like rare blue, like Cody getting a Hawkmoon rare! So when you get a Mythic perk, you crap your pants in excitement.


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