I wish you could raid those guys and take their stuff. (Destiny)

by Monochron, Monday, September 22, 2014, 10:28 (3522 days ago) @ Numinar

Why farm anyway? I understand the desire for loot. I had to push myself to max out my marks this week, and salivate at every purple or blue engram that drops but these are the icing on the Perpetual Halo Machine cake, not the reason to play it.

For me it is in part because playing Crucible against people with significantly better guns is the exact opposite of fun. When I have a good game in the Crucible, it is the most fun I have had since H2 multiplayer. But the majority of the time I am getting sniped by auto rifles or facing guys with huge magazines or no recoil. If grinding a cave can let me have more of that fun I sometimes have, I'll try it out.

Basically, when I get out-played or out-skilled it is annoying but it motivates me to get better. But when someone's guns have better stats than the ones I have randomly found, it feels frustrating and unfair.

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