Loot cave (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, September 22, 2014, 11:17 (3521 days ago) @ red robber

But it's probably never gonna happen where we play that game that gives us that first time to play Halo CE feeling.

Let's not forget that Halo CE was a huge letdown to the community. We were promised a wide open world with lots of vehicles and epicly large battles. Instead we got enclosed canyons with fewer vehicles, on a gaming platform we didn't have yet, and the only multi player was LAN only. Oh yeah, and there were no bots, a standard of the time. The graphics were different, but technically sub-par. The level design was repetitive too, with Gamespy saying at the time "you'll trudge through countless hallways and control rooms that all look exactly the same, fighting identical-looking groups of enemies over and over and over...it is simply frustrating to see a game with such groundbreaking sequences too often degenerate [into] this kind of mindless, repetitive action."

Yet we all remember Halo CE quite fondly, yes? The game mechanics were spot on, balanced, and fun. The Halo Universe was a great start, and later games built up and expanded on that. But it started very small and simple, with far less than what was promised in trailers. And the killer with that is that we didn't know for sure there would even be another Halo, we only knew that DLC content was out so any additional content was going to cost $60 and take a year or two.

Now we have Destiny, where we are promised years of content, we don't have to wait multiple years, and we'll pay less (or at least can pick and choose to pay as we go). I like this new world, and I hope to look back at the first iteration of Destiny with the same rose colored glasses that people see Halo CE with :)

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