Loot cave (Destiny)

by Monochron, Monday, September 22, 2014, 21:32 (3521 days ago) @ Ragashingo

There doesn't even need to be this big discussion about it, everyone should just let people play the game how they want and not intentionally stop others from doing so.

Heh. As long as playing the game they want doesn't go against your definitions? Double standard much? Sitting is highly supported by Bungie. It's been shown in most of their videos! But sit in the wrong spot and people go all hypocritical over it. Fun times. :)

This is exactly what doesn't need to be a discussion. Are you being sarcastic? Your arguments are pretty damn similar to people who are being serious.

Sitting in the cave is obviously grieving the farmers.

Seriously though, my definitions? I'm just saying don't be a jerk to other people playing the game!? If playing the game your is to intentionally prevent others from doing an activity . . . you are being a jerk. I can't even tell what you are arguing for here.

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