
Again... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 08:03 (1708 days ago) @ Claude Errera

But...surely, someone would've told you, right? I'm not talking about hunting Destiny streams or subscribing to DMG's tweets, but...word of mouth, chat stuff, heck even DBO here gave us updates throughout.

Nope. Saturday mornings are generally 'do work around the house' times. Phone is in the basement, turned off, charging. (Obviously, not every week - sometimes I'm out of the house, occasionally I'm even online. But usually.)

If there had been no warning, I likely would have come back to my phone and computer and seen a number of texts (and online posts) telling me what I missed - but I would have missed it.

I was there because they warned me the day before, and I made plans to be free.

I'm not saying my situation is universal, or that anyone had any responsibility to make sure I participated. I'm saying that I'm glad it didn't work out the way you suggested it, because 100% I would have missed it.

Yep. I'm a dad of a little creature. If I was told there was a major event happening in 30 minutes I would have had a 50/50 chance that little creature was sleeping (not necessarily the whole time) and if she wasn't then I would have to sell my soul to my wife (not that I haven't already) to have her spontaneous just take care of our creature full time for an unknown amount of time.

I now live on a schedule. The fact that I could say "Hey honey, can I play Destiny for a little little bit for this event tomorrow at 10?" means it happened for me. I'm just glad Bungie realized that a majority of Destiny players have a life outside of Destiny and have to schedule things instead of just jumping on on a whim.

On a side note, I am also not on twitter, so if it wasn't for people in this community that told me out side of DBO (I usually only check on the weekdays) then I would have come into work and found this entire thread and been majorly bummed that I missed this.

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