Entitlement. (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:13 (3753 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by Avateur, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:27

While I agree with the economics logic of your post, I almost wonder if you read pete's post. I'm taking his anger to be strictly about the Beta and DLC. First of all, he's spot on with the DLC. If he paid for the game, the DLC is either on the disc or an included feature for download, but he's not allowed to access or play the content he paid for for nearly a year (if that turns out to be true), that's obnoxious as all hell. It's obnoxious when EA does it or anyone does it. He paid for it. It's his. Let him play it.

Second, the Beta. Entitlement? He's not demanding special treatment. He's not demanding Bungie give him something that others don't have. He's not demanding some special perks for Xbox owners that Playstation owners don't get. The Beta is free, give or take a pre-order. He's mad because there's no equal footing. It could easily be open just as long for both consoles, and it costs Bungie nothing. Yes, contracts, I know. They could even shut down the Sony Beta on the 27th and let the Xbox Beta run a bit longer to create an even time period. Sony gets it first, Microsoft gets to end with it. Probably a contract loophole that allows that (or not, I don't work there lol). But nah.

This isn't about what console he can or cannot buy. If he wanted to, he could. He's not talking price. He's talking time. He's allowed to be upset. He's allowed to express his anger without being told to get over himself (you haven't done that, and I really liked your post as a whole). This thread is a lovely poster child of, yet again, people who feel entitled to belittle, disregard, and shame people who get upset at something, but it's A-okay to go irrationally berzerk in praise or something else (so long as it's "positive" and "agreed with").

Note: I have not provided a single opinion of where I personally stand on any of this Bungie Day stuff (aside from DLC). Just trying to state what I think pete is getting at, and how I don't necessarily view that as "entitlement" in this case.

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