
Vote with your dollars (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 17:48 (3751 days ago) @ Kalamari

Frankly, all this DLC nonsense makes me want to skip Destiny altogether, the competitive multiplayer doesn't seem competitive at all, the dlc garbage, the loot grind, player investment, etc. It seems like a really good, fool-around-with-your-friends-type game, but there are far better games for that sort of thing.

I'm with you man, I have a lot of questions, which I'm sure the beta will speak to.

The Alpha was a blast, however it was a tiny slice.

How will the MMO elements and investment system fare? Hoping the beta reveals this. If it turns out to really suck the life out of the game, you can do what I'll do and just play until you stop enjoying it, not buy the DLC, and move on. However if it turns out to be awesome, well then even better.

I could have paid 60 bucks for the alpha and gotten my money's worth, so the final game is a no brainer even if a lot of the content doesn't appeal to me.

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