
Cool, pay me to play on your lawn (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 07:45 (3725 days ago) @ car15

It's the investment system. It's a manifestation of the old story about the kids playing on the old man's lawn. He tells them to leave him alone, but they ignore him, so he finally gets them to go away by paying them each a dollar for the privilege to play on his lawn, waiting a few weeks, and then cutting their pay to 50 cents with no explanation. Dejected, they leave and go find another lawn.

Yeah I guess I'm immune to the Jedi Mindtricks. The old man is handing out Crucible Marks while I have a great time playing Control. He's giving me rep and marks while I wander around mars on partrol just taking it in and seeing how quickly I can tear through the cabal. He's dropping random engrams while I'm whooping after finishing a strike. When I turn in that engram and it gives me something worthless, I shrug, dismantle it and merrily run to the bounties guy in the tower to see what adventure I could go on.

If getting to Level 20 took any more time than it took for me to get through the main story then I'd probably gripe as I'd have felt like the game was forcing me to do something repeatedly to see more of the game. This has never happened to me, aside from the raid which is an extremely special case*, so I haven't had an issue yet.

And yeah look, if the game came with every ability unlocked and every gun with every upgrade unlocked, and I had access to every activity, I'd probably enjoy it even more, but I'm under the impression that some progression addicts would write the game off and leave the world pretty empty. I'm fine with the balance they struck.

* I'd have more of an issue if the Raid wasn't so hard sounding. I'm happy to wait until I happen to be the right level for it, because I'm hoping by that time I've got a crew of 6 guardians.

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