
All games are time wasters on one level or another. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 08:58 (3524 days ago) @ car15

Halo after a while sucks. (Not just Halo 4 guys and gals, all of em)
Destiny after a while sucks.

What makes these games fun is who you play with.

There are many people on HBO who've said "Halo 4 sucks ass, but when I was playing with so and so, I forgot about that and it was fun, briefly."

That's how I look at Destiny.

I don't have time to sink 40 hours a week into this game to keep up. I don't have any desire to play MP unless I want that bounty.

BUT, if I've got community to play with, a place to socialize, it makes it more worthwhile.

Not interested in farming loot cave.

Not interested in chasing loot.

I am interested in the quest, the puzzle, and playing with others.

Find some friends to play with.

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