All games are time wasters on one level or another. (Destiny)

by Earendil, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 13:49 (3725 days ago) @ uberfoop

even if we could agree that Halo gets old (which it doesn't in a matter of days like Destiny seems to have with some people).

I'm all for pointing out Destiny's flaws, but let's be fair, at least some of those people sunk 40 hours into the game in the first few days before getting "bored". I've taken my time, never done anything I would consider "grinding" or that I didn't find fun, and I'm at 27 hours and just reached a level 24 warlock. Maybe an hour of that was Crucible. I don't know about others, but I'm pretty sure I never put 24 hours of game play into any Halo single player campaign.

I wonder if half of what people are experiencing with Destiny is a feeling that it didn't reach its potential, even if what it reached was (to many) an entertainment level that many games have not.

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