Thank the Nine Divines... (Destiny)

by shadowkiller, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 20:12 (3523 days ago) @ Korny

Funny that you automatically assume it is because they aren't getting loot fast enough and not realize that the game doesn't have the content to make the grinding required any fun. Which it isn't, it is more fun and rewarding exploiting the loot cave then doing one more montonous strike, all of which use the same bad forula. I wonder what the outcry wil be when they patch the exploit out.

Also this comes from someone who used to raid in vanilla WoW and Wrath of the Lich King, so the loot and rep grind is something I have done before. Bungie implemented it poorly and just made it frustrating when you get a rare purple drop that for some reason hardly ever is purple gear. That is just bait and switch, and is poor design that they had to know would cause anger.

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