
I should go with you. (Destiny)

by car15, Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 11:42 (3724 days ago) @ Korny

I really enjoy your baseless presumption that I am a "kid".

And who decreed from on high that I "should" already be enjoying anything about this game? Why "should" I be enjoying lazy repetitive missions? The game has to earn the player's enjoyment on its own merits.

However, I have stopped playing, as I explained in the OP. That doesn't mean I don't want Destiny to change or improve. If it gets better, who knows, maybe I'll come back.

I noted in the OP that half of this forum is willing to criticize the game and the other half stifles debate at every turn. You are firmly in the latter category.

If you are enjoying the game, then that's great. Keep enjoying it. I'm happy that you like it.

But that has no bearing on my enjoyment of the game or on my privilege to comment here. If you don't like it, TOO BAD. If you think I'm simply "whining", TOO BAD. Put up with it. You come off like a bitter old man constantly telling me to stop whining and referring to me as a "kid". I'm 28 years old. Maybe that makes me a kid relative to the centuries of wisdom you've evidently accumulated, but it's more than a little condescending.

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