Why I'm leaving. (Destiny)

by Decom @, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 14:43 (3524 days ago) @ rliebherr

repeatedly state that opinion over and over and over

Personally, I appreciate his posts. I didn't pre-order Destiny and wanted to wait to see what DBO (and to a lesser extent, r/DestinyTheGame) had to say about it before deciding. If these dissatisfied players only posted once about their disappointment, a lot of good discussions would never have taken place.

Before the game was released, I didn't understand why people thought Destiny was going to be so good and I even questioned if I was missing something and was seriously questioning my perception/sanity. Now that the game is out and people are posting about all the disappointing things and how frustrating it is that the game didn't even come close to all the BS Bungie spouted as part of their marketing campaign, I feel free from having to figure out what was "wrong" with my opinion. Thanks to car15 and others, I have been able to satisfactorily decide to not buy Destiny (at least, not until they have a deeply discounted version).

Lots of people in this thread seem to be sharing how happy they are that car15 leaving; this really saddens me as it's not something I expect to see on *BO. I realize this is a fansite but come on, is there no appreciation for varying viewpoints?

@car15: If it helps at all, your understandably frustrating experience has helped others like me avoid such frustrations. Thank you for putting in the time to post here.

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