
That's an easy one... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, March 26, 2015, 23:42 (3318 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Materials and color swatches could be reduced to a general number (or menu in the case of colors) for the character, rather than taking up inventory item slots. Then when you get a "new" color or whatnot, it's a consumable that adds to your color menu selection, rather than an item that takes up valuable space.

Inventory management goes hand in hand with RPG-ish games, and destiny is no exception here. Lots and lots of problems and various solutions to these sorts of problems. The best, like how the postmaster works in destiny, are custom to the game. Bungie knows what they are doing here, I'm not worried. I'm sure there's plenty more good to come in this realm.

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