
Where are you getting that? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, January 30, 2020, 14:42 (1845 days ago) @ Claude Errera

It's a weapon, an ornament, a ghost, and a ship.

The fact that *those particular ones* are *not currently for sale* is sort of outside the point. You can absolutely assign a cash value to the items and compare that to the subscription cost of Amazon/Twitch Prime.

Well, ackchually ::pushes glasses up nose:: all 24 items have been datamined at this point, and all of them are in a pool of items that are no longer sold at eververse (and haven't been for quite some time).

But yeah, I suppose that not only can you put a value on them and compare that value to the cost of Amazon Prime, you could make the argument that if you didn't have those items, and WANTED them, buying them this way is the most efficient way to get them.

I linked my Amazon account to my Twitch account (free), just to get this stuff, even though I have this stuff. I received a few shards and some glimmer in exchange (because I had all of these items already). For 30 seconds of work, it was a fair trade for me. I'm not complaining.

I don't like that they're "selling" exotics. I might get more upset if I played the PVP modes more often and someone could buy a weapon that consistently gave them an advantage over me. The context that is downplayed is that in Destiny there was always the potential for someone to have some godroll that gave them an advantage. In a game such as this that balances so many variables, one exotic properly balanced isn't going to affect game outcomes, and that's the bottom line.

I haven't looked into the details of this offer but the price-comparison stuff isn't persuasive to me. There's much that goes into the valuation of something. How much of the player base already has it? What's included in the price? Isn't this just a sweetener to build up twitch's base? As so, how can you say what the price of the item is? An economist might have a forumla (and I'm not one), but I just don't see this mattering, except on some abstract level of argument. Are reaction videos of people getting their suros trending on YouTube? At this point it's a cool gun for any who have not gotten it, but that subset of players isn't going affect to other players. It's day-old bread given away with purchase.

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