Try reading that again (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Saturday, February 01, 2020, 10:43 (1720 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Also what are we paying them? The game isn't out yet.

Preorder? Lol.

If you, Cody Miller, still believe in preorders I have to assume your whole schtick is a sham and you've successfully been trolling us all for years.

Don't be dense.

Plus if the demand is "I want the thing to be inferior and I want it now" doesn't that go against everything you want from the industry?

What are we talking about again? I'm lost.

People getting arsy about delays are effectively saying "compromise your artistic and design integrity to give us the thing NOW". Isn't that the opposite of your usual sentiment?

You're so inconsistent sometimes I think you must just toss a coin before you join a debate.

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