
Can't have it both ways unfortunately. (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, February 05, 2016, 00:35 (3095 days ago) @ Up North 65

I understand that booting the kids off of netflix or stopping a large download of adult material can help your connection, but when your internet is as bad as shed-net there is truly no way to fix it on my end. Well I guess I could have paid for it. Penalizing players who don't have access to quad-band, fibre optical, 0 packet loss, a positive ping, seems like a harsh choice. If you are going to design an online only game then accept all internets. Im going to go feed the squirrels to make the generator run faster now.

That's the problem though, there is no magic middle ground where everyone will be happy, and the community has been begging since day 1 for better latency in games, so it was bound to happen eventually. You can't make the experience better for fast connections without making it worse for slow connections and vice versa, and I highly doubt it's going to take a huge dramatic shift anyway, just slide from middle right to middle left.

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