
No need, there was clearly no malice or condescension... (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Friday, February 05, 2016, 13:34 (3095 days ago) @ Korny

deeJ is probably doing other crap, Urk too. I think Cozmo, as a veteran Redditor, may see value in pointless speculation of others' motives.

I thought it was a humorous-yet-gentle poke at people with bad connections in general. It's pretty stupid to read it, gasp, and use your embroidered hand fan to calm you from your indignation while you think of a way to whine about how you are being picked on. It was clearly just a quick joke that he probably didn't even think twice about because of how dumb someone would be to misinterpret it.

What was humorous about it? Where was the joke?

There are no lines to read between here. He says that you'll be losing more often, and that that will give you incentive to "fix your connection".

If you have a good connection, it's a funny joke at the expense of those who don't. Ha ha!

If you don't, it's just a statement that people find the idea that your not so great multiplayer experience is going to get a bit worse unless you do something about it, which you probably can't because if you could have, you would have by now.

Ha ha! I'm peeing myself laughing.

I honestly can't believe people are making as big a deal out of this as they are.

If you want to play the "it's only a game card" here, feel free. Then again, you felt it important enough to come in and call people who think Bungie's being insensitive here stupid, so, yeah.

Bungie didn't think twice about this. They didn't even think once about it.

I read into the line neither malice nor condescension. It is the fact that no thought was put into it that is bothersome; the idea that if you have lag, that is your fault-- which is the converse of the complaint from the low latency players, that they are being "punished" because when players lag out and don't take damage, it is not THEIR fault.

The idea that it's funny to some people makes it worse, not better.

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