
The Rest. (Destiny)

by Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316) ⌂ @, Detroit, Saturday, August 09, 2014, 04:56 (3541 days ago) @ Ragashingo

In the first mission Thralls did indeed rush.

Thralls weren't in the first mission. I did say, though, that Thralls rushed. It just doesn't matter since they're so weak. One shot and done.

In the strike Dreg, cloaked Vandals, and Shanks would all rush at various times along with a mini-boss level Captan.

That actually was a case of you being in their assigned spot. They weren't rushing you, they were just heading to the place they were supposed to go. The place you were whittling away at the tanks health from. Those guys were there to provide you ammo, since you're going to be doing a lot of leg shooting. Or eyeball shooting. Same situation with both bosses.

There's also some knife only Vandals out in the world of Old Russia. During the Spider Tank public event I was fighting it alone one time and got nicely flanked by both Shanks and Vandals to the point I was hoping help would arrive to bail me out. On the Moon the Fallen did a decent job of entering the first complex and coming after us and at the Temple of Crota it was one big rush as several enemies spilled out to greet us. (While awesome music blared!)

Maybe you just didn't play enough or didn't set the difficulty high on the Strike?

I played plenty. 40 something story missions, did the Strike 14 times, and ~15 explore sessions. I made sure I was thorough. I also always made sure the difficulty was set to its highest setting, but that doesn't do much. Enemies are a higher level, which means they have more health, and I do less damage. It didn"t change their tactics or behaviors. The only result of bumping up the difficulty was that it took a little longer.

One. it is not a free kill meter.

That's exactly what it is. When it fills up, you can use your super to get free kills.

Nova Bomb has a limited range and is dodgeable.

Dodgeable how, exactly? There's no dodge button. No evade. If the user aims anywhere near you, you're dead.

Fist of Havock has roughly the range of a grenade requiring someone to get next to you to use it.

Yep. They get next to you, and instantly kill you. 3 people taking the objective you're covering? Facing certain death? No worries, Power Fist© has you covered! Instantly fry all of those idiots with just the touch of a button!

Golden Gun has around a ten second window of opportunity and puts a lot of pressure on its user to make every shot count.

Yeah, ten seconds to be God. How stressful. Ten seconds where you can kill anything in one shot just by shooting in the general vicinity of it. I don't know if I'd be able to handle that much pressure. /sarc

Powerful? Yes. But really not much more so than having a sniper or shotgun with you at all times.

Right, and it's not nearly as bad. Spawning with whatever you want is a much bigger problem than supers. Doesn't mean supers are okay.

With the recharge on the Super you can and will almost certainly do more damage with your special weapon that you will your Super during a match.

Absolutely, and that's why choosing whatever weapon you want is a much bigger problem than supers.

Two. You weren't playing Halo.


You were playing Destiny.


The rules are different. The game is different. Knowing what class of enemy you are fighting is part of the strategy.

What class the enemies were was completely irrelevant. They can all activate their free kills at any time, regardless of class.

Staying mobile and off the capture points unless you have a good reason to be on them is part of the strategy.

Playing the objective seems like a good reason.

I think as I get better straight up dodging Supers will increasingly become part of my strategy.

I'd love to hear how you plan to do this.

I'm also very much looking forward to the day when my Titan can counter the offensive Supers with his Ward of Dawn bubble shield (how is something a free kill meter if the thing it activates is non-lethal?) forming a very interesting counter strategy.

They're putting the bubble shield in? Frackin hell. Well, I guess at that point, it becomes a free invincibility meter. Not a whole lot better.

Besides it wasn't like there weren't very quick deaths in Halo. It's my opinion that the sniper rifle, shotgun, and rocket launcher in Halo are cheap free-kill weapons.

To get those weapons you have to fight for them in Halo. You pay for them in blood. You do not have to earn your super. It is given to you for free.

Instead of fighting me equal to equal people sometimes killed me with those one shot weapons and there was little I could do about it.

You could try killing them and taking it for yourself. Then they won't have it and you can kill them while they try to take it back.

Some of those weapons were just leaning against a nearby wall near the enemy's spawn point at the start of the match. And they came back every couple of minutes.

If they get one at the start of the match, then so does your team. If Blue sniper loses to Red's, then Red sniper has earned a few seconds of uncontested killing. Once someone on Blue picks their sniper back up, Red has to fight for the right to party again.

If you really truly want games to be skill vs skill you shouldn't allow any power weapons and should keep everyone absolutely equal at all times.

The skill in power weapons comes from acquiring them (and knowing how to use them, obviously). Start stripping everything out of the game and you're getting into MLG thinking. No variance isn't fun. My issue isn't that there are power weapons or supers in Destiny, it's how you get them. There's no risk/reward. You just have them.

I have to get my aim on you before you get yours on me.

This applies to every online shooter. It is the first advantage a player can get in a single engagement. How much it matters depends on the time to kill. If short, then whoever sees who first is probably going to win. If longer like Halo/Gears, then whoever gets jumped has a chance to come back.

I have to keep my aim on you longer than you keep it on me.

Also applies to all shooters.

The kill times may be shorter in some cases but you still have to be more skilled than the other person. Plus now you're under increased time pressure. I'm not convinced it doesn't all average out.

They're shorter in all cases, wich takes less personal aiming skill and gives the person being attacked no chance to counter. You're not under increased time pressure because before you know you're being shot, you're dead.

It's not a sound tactic because it should not be a tactic at all.

Whether it should be or not doesn't change that it is.

Back in my middle school days a tactic to avoid losing at Starcraft in our weekly computer class games was to walk over and switch off one of the enemy's computers... But anybody that did it was no allowed to play from then on and next time.

That's not comparable at all. Turning off the computer ends their game completely. Yelling at them and telling them they suck doesn't stop them from playing.

Likewise those that abuse speech or teabag should be banned.

Whoa there, that's a bit extreme, isn't it? The goal there is to piss them off so they don't play as well. Wouldn't repeatedly taking their heads off with my sniper accomplish the same thing? Should I get banned for that, too? Be realistic.

We don't know we've seen all the gun. The enemy has access to named mortar launchers and tracking projectile gun, and as others have said it's been hinted that there may be more alien weapons in the game for Guardians to use. It may turn out to be a false rumor but right now it's too early to judge Destiny's complete weapon set.

Well I'd say that's some pretty good evidence. We'll have to wait and see, though.

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