Almost bought the game, but then I watched the streams... (Gaming)

by naturl selexion, Thursday, November 12, 2015, 23:46 (3097 days ago) @ TheeChaos

So I thought that before I payed $60 for a game I was't sure I would like I decided to watch some streams. In all the streams I watched there was only a couple minutes worth of interesting stuff. Almost the entire time was people going through their inventory, their dogs inventory or picking up crap off the ground.

Is that what the game is really about, scavenging and inventory management?

...before submitting I went and watched another random couple random streams just in case I had a streak of bad luck with the streamers. Nope, pretty much the same thing, although one did shoot a couple things. Most of the time was looking through buildings and picking up every random piece of garbage that they could find.

I don't think this game is for me. The time investment appears to be huge compared to the action offered.

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