

by cheapLEY @, Monday, November 16, 2015, 12:31 (3305 days ago) @ Funkmon

I know what you're saying. I liked the characters. I liked my character. The kid thing is a lot of motivation that was lacking in the first 3. You want to really continue and find out more.

I really like that angle, too. It's the first time I've played a Bethesda game and worked on the main quest immediately, rather than fifty hours in.

I like that motivator, and I like my character being voiced. I've just as many people complaining about it as I have praising it, though, so it seems like it's a pretty divisive issue. Some have said it affects their roleplay, being "forced" to have a kid, etc. I can see where you're coming from, as your character brings it every chance she gets, but . . . I'm in the camp that loves it, so that obviously works for me.

What did you think about the story for New Vegas?

I'm a little ashamed to admit I never played that game! Despite loving Fallout 3, I just never picked up New Vegas. ):

Unrelated: Zalachenko is Lisbeth's father

You're such a dick. (:

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