
Not worse, just different. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 18:33 (2693 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

To be fair, I'm still processing what I've just read in the Update.

So let's go over this together. Maybe I'm missing something here.


We start with...

PSA: In D2 it's no longer advantageous to equip your most powerful gear when decrypting Engrams. We check for your best possible loadout now
— Mark Noseworthy (@knowsworthy) August 28, 2017

.. which takes into account...

...what the best scenario is for your character across your account. This means that, if you are playing on your [Guardian Class], we might use the Helmet you accidentally left in the vault, the Boots you just picked up but haven't equipped, and the Auto Rifle that you forgot to transfer from your [Other Guardian Class]. Gear on other characters, in the vault, in your inventory, or currently equipped are all compared to find the best loadout you could have.

The system is smart enough to look at level requirements and make sure it ignores anything that is too high for the current character to equip. It also obeys equipping restrictions, so it understands that you can only equip one Exotic weapon and one piece of exotic armor and figures that in.

Alright. So that gives us the extent of the scope in the overall calculation process.

On the smaller scale, with engrams, how are things calculated?

Rewards determine their power at the time they're earned. This means that, when an engram drops in Destiny 2, it decides its power at the time it drops. Also, when we roll rewards, we look at your character's level and your best possible gear to determine the power of the reward. This is true for Crucible end-of-match rewards, Engram drops, Strike rewards, etc. Note that some sources can still produce better gear than others; once you're exploring endgame content look for the "Powerful Gear" rewards in tooltips if you're hunting the best drops.

Ok. So the power is determined, off of the all the existing loot in the entirety of the account, and character level at the time, when said new lootz are earned in whatever form they me be.

Okay, what about the contents of Engrams we haven’t decrypted yet? Are they included when you calculate my best possible equipment?

Daniel: While Engrams do set their power at the time they drop, they don't roll what they contain until the moment you decrypt them. As a result, best possible equipment can't use their contents in its calculations.

If Engrams set their power at the moment they drop, how am I supposed to know which ones have the best gear?

Daniel: Destiny 2's Engrams are pretty cool, because they'll tell you right on the tooltip what the power they dropped at is. This is the minimum power that will come out of the engram.

Alright. I presume this is the part that is causing such a fluster. So while I hold engrams, those items will not be calculated in the overall calculation until decrypted. I see in the picture we can hold up to 10 engrams on person (only 10?)


I'm not seeing the issue here, if there is one.

I wonder what it looks like if you decrypted 10 engrams in a row? Seems to me that with each decryption, the odds get pushed up each time. At the moment I see no problem with this.

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