
Patrols (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, September 04, 2017, 19:25 (2689 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Playing a strike over and over in hopes of getting loot.
Shooting dudes in a cave over and over to get loot.

1. Both repetitive
2. Both motivated by reward
3. Both done with efficiency

The exact same thing, one is just disguised better.

You as usual ignored THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of what I said to make your point work.

"If I don't like an activity I don't play it."

And you ignore the point that, at least in rise of Iron, that was not an option if you wanted to raid. I have to play activities I don't like to do Raids and Trials. Rather than improve since TTK, that aspect got worse.

Nothing should hold me back from choosing the challenges I want to tackle. Nothing that is, but myself and my ability.

The Vanguard has no place for prima donnas who want the glory of the raid without putting in the hours doing regular patrols.

Then meet me out in the wild, baby.

That's where the patrols are.

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