
Natural progression (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, September 02, 2017, 09:04 (2692 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

The point being, you can dislike it but it isn't correct to equivocate it, but also you're right in that slogging through most of the game for great bits at the end isn't ridiculous; though Xenos can of couree personally think it odd I guess.

But it's exactly equivalent. The 'what' doesn't matter. You could be doing an epic quest spanning an entire game. But the moment you are asked to repeat that as part of investment based progression, it becomes the same thing. Strike playlists and the loot cave are different in degree, but not different in principle.

Understanding this is the key to understanding the poison of investment systems.

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