
Wait what? (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Sunday, September 03, 2017, 02:48 (2742 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I get what you're saying, and I completely agree. I'd love for the raid to have been released after a month instead of a week.

But we're all still assuming a Destiny 1 styled rush to the raid. It's totally possible that the story will lead you exactly to the raid in terms of both plot/motivation and light level. That's what I'm hoping for.

You're hoping for Destiny 2 to feature only a week's worth of content at launch?

The only thing I can hope for is the idea that they've put in enough roadblocks to progress that it won't actually matter-- that the gap between the highest light player and the lowest is such that it won't really be possible (or perhaps at least not so easy) for people to get spoiled by seeing a lot of raid content long before they're ready.

For instance if the best level up opportunities are keyed to weekly activities, then it doesn't matter how many crazy hours the bleeding edge of players and streamers are putting in, they'll still be just as raid-unready as you when it drops. So assuming you're even high enough light to launch the activity on day 1, you might as well go in because you wouldn't be seeing much less of it than anyone else who tries.

I think the problem comes where speed leveling makes it possible for those who spend a lot of hours to hit max light before the raid drops (which might be 20 points over the minimum for the raid) whereas others may be 10 or even 20 points under at the same time, and unable to even join the activity.

I'm guessing it's not that aggressively gated, though, which means lots of people will end up seeing raid content before they play it.

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