
So, they actually made the engram situation worse? (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 19:24 (2693 days ago) @ Ragashingo

And your solution seems to be choosing “have useful rewards.” Perhaps consider choosing “have fun” instead. You’ll have more fun that way.

We're arguing different points here. You're telling me I'm making the wrong choice, but I'm arguing that it's stupid that we have to choose at all. Why shouldn't I be able to enjoy the game and get meaningful rewards when I'm done? Why couldn't they fix the engram shuffle problem without introducing an even bigger one by shifting when the decrypted item's power level is decided?

The fact that I might have to choose between enjoying the game and worrying about leveling is dumb, but if I have to choose, I'll have to choose a balance. The missions, strikes, and even just patrol are cool and all, but for me, the raid is the very definition of "fun." It shouldn't be necessary, but if I have to, I'll choose efficiency over fun early on so that I can be prepared for maximum fun on raid day.

And I'd be totally down for a slow-and-steady run through the early game if I can find five more Xboxers who will commit to waiting, going in blind as a group, and staying blind until we finish as a group. Unfortunately, every day beyond raid launch day makes it harder and harder to find a group like that.


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