
Think... er... I mean, Decrypt Different™ ;) (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Friday, September 01, 2017, 08:38 (2693 days ago) @ dogcow

I'll probably regret this, whenever I post something like this on the internet I just end up being a target... but, here it goes anyway.

I understand being upset about the "optimal upgrade path" problems the new engram system creates. I've been somewhat upset about it too after reading that they don't take current engram levels into account. But then I had a thought, what if I have my eye on the wrong target. What do I mean? Read on...

What really matters (or at least should matter to me) is the speed of upgrade, or time/light (TPL). Does this new system slow down TPL from where it is presently? Now don't get distracted by the fact that if they did it Different we could level faster, if we're going to get upset about that then we might as well be upset that we can't hit max light instantly, that'd be faster (better?) too #cody ;-) :-). What we should really be concerned about is the TPL. If it ends up being no Different than previously then this is clearly a better system in that it will eliminate the equipment shuffle at the cryptarch. I suspect Bungie has looked at the TPL with this new engram system and ensured it's at the rate they desire. Also, I'd bet that our TPL will be slower if we go to the cryptarch every time we get an engram. I bet the optimal path will be to play a few missions/strikes, then go decrypt.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think it really matters how it compares to the current (D1) situation. The new system may be an improvement over the old system, but it still seems like they've unnecessarily divided your upgrade options into either the fun path (play the game, turn in stuff when you're done) or the optimal path (pause the fun to run to the Cryptarch after every engram) instead of letting the fun path BE the optimal path.


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