Not a problem (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Friday, September 01, 2017, 09:20 (2693 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Before: Collect a ton of engrams, decrypt first engram, equip new item so your new power level is used to determine the level of the next decrypted item, decrypt next engram...

Now: Pick up engram, stop what you're doing and go back to the Cryptarch so your new item will be used to determine the power level of your next engram, return to activity, pick up an engram, stop what you're doing and go back to the Cryptarch...

One step forward, two steps back.


Okay, lets run the three scenarios of leveling in Destiny.

1. Running the campaign: Light isn't really that important, lots of content to chew through, no real need.

2. Campaign finished, early end game: Technique is useful here to generate a lot of blues to level you up, but it's not really necessary as you still have quests and such to help level up.

3. Late End game/ Nightfalls/Trials/ Raids/faction packages: You don't level up from engrams, you drop the equipment immediately and get one thing at the end of the activity. Also, Faction package rewards are a big part of this, and we've seen faction packages are playing a bigger role.

There are some other things we know that also kind of undercut the value of this.

1. More in Level decryption. We've seen auto decrypting blue engrams in the patrols.
2. More focus on end of activity rewards
3. Faster trips back to the farm

I think moving to a "Light on acquisition system" has some tangible benefits too.

1. More information available on pick up.
2. No need to Horde a shitload of engrams/ reduce the number of weapons you carry into the field.
3. much less time fiddling around at Rahool

I think overall, moving away from playing "Engram to level up faster kludges" is a positive here, and is going to result in overall dramatically improve the quality of life of leveling.

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