
Not a problem - bonus for alternate characters (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, September 01, 2017, 10:24 (2693 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

I guess it depends on what attributes are locked in at the same time the minimum power level is set. Right now I'm imagining everything that happens in D1 at decryption, happens in D2 at pickup. If that means the class type is set at pickup, then that would kind of suck. If the class type isn't set at pickup, then your new level 1 guardian could potentially be max light after one trip to the Cryptarch if your alt has been hoarding engrams.

Yeah, I expect that the level requirements still exist, so that level 1 guardian will have to wait until its experience hits level 20 (or whatever level they need to be to use legendaries) then they could pretty much be at instant max light... assuming class isn't locked on pickup, but if you're running multiple of the same class then that doesn't matter.

Man, I feel like a serious Debbie Downer today. I've got a potential negative for every positive. Maybe my subconscious is trying to crush my expectations so that I can be blown away by D2 awesomeness next week :p

Fight the hype. :) I'm TRYING to keep my expectations tempered, but it's hard.

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