
Not worse, just different. (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 19:07 (2693 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Alright. I presume this is the part that is causing such a fluster. So while I hold engrams, those items will not be calculated in the overall calculation until decrypted. I see in the picture we can hold up to 10 engrams on person (only 10?)


I'm not seeing the issue here, if there is one.

I wonder what it looks like if you decrypted 10 engrams in a row? Seems to me that with each decryption, the odds get pushed up each time. At the moment I see no problem with this.

The problem is this part:

...when an engram drops in Destiny 2, it decides its power at the time it drops.

which means that the odds don't get pushed up with each decryption since the power level range that they're able to decrypt at is determined when the engram drops. Your last engram will have the same window of power levels that it can decrypt at as your first one did, even if your first nine all decrypted at the highest possible levels.

Also, I didn't pay much attention to that picture, but I don't like what I see there, either. Max 10 engrams on your Guardian at one time (which I assume means a MUCH lower drop rate), and as far as we can tell, it's not item specific. So maybe it's a hand cannon, maybe it's that helmet you need, or maybe it's your 11th class item.

I am really holding out hope that maybe someone decided gear would just supplement our light level instead being the sole determining factor for how strong we are. It would be really great for the strength of our Guardians to be based on what we've accomplished instead of the crap we've collected.

I have no real hope that this is the case, but it's all I've got left that Bungie didn't actually make this a BIGGER grindfest.

I should say, though, I'm still REALLY excited to jump into the game Tuesday night. I'm just disappointed that it's looking like the system is specifically designed to prevent us from progressing to raid-ready levels naturally by just playing through the game instead of having to game the system. Who knows, though. Maybe we'll find out that none of this matters and there are pieces to the system that we don't know about yet that make everything work.


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