
Natural progression (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, September 01, 2017, 07:58 (2693 days ago) @ Beorn

"Gaming the system" is having to juggle gear while decrypting engrams to climb the light ladder! It seems to me that Bungie is keenly aware of that kind of problem and has taken rather dramatic steps to make progression more natural through normal gameplay.

Yeah I have to agree with this. I think this is done intentionally to make the player's leveling more of a natural increase as you complete missions and to discourage farming. Bungie has shown a desire to discourage farming in the past, repeatedly. If it worked how the community would like then farming an area would be the most efficient way to level up. This encourages players to play an activity, get some engrams and rewards, then go get the engrams decrypted and purchase from a vendor with the rewards received, rather then sitting in the same area shooting the same group of enemies over and over (hmm... that sounds familiar).

This is only really going to be annoying if leveling is painfully slow in the game when it releases, something we don't have any idea of at the moment (and if some of you do for some reason, don't let me know, I'd rather find out on Tuesday night).

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