
Think... er... I mean, Decrypt Different™ ;) (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, September 01, 2017, 09:37 (2693 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Also, I wanted to mention this:

Daniel: Destiny 2's Engrams are pretty cool, because they'll tell you right on the tooltip what the power they dropped at is. This is the minimum power that will come out of the engram.

Minimum power, who's to say it doesn't take into account your current if you've increased in light before decrypting? We don't know, they haven't said, but I hope this is the case.

I would be OK with this, but I interpreted it as being the same way a minimum power is set in the current system at the time of decryption to ensure that your item is at or above your current power level, but is also capped at a few levels above your current power level.

If the minimum is set at pickup, and then possibly adjusted upward at the time of decrpytion, then cool beans. I would assume it's more likely to work like D1 where both the minimum and maximum values are set at the same time. I would love to be wrong, though.

Yeah, I dunno. I can hope! :)

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