
So, they actually made the engram situation worse? (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 18:37 (2693 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Meh. Obsessing over advancing your light like that seems unfun. Don’t do unfun things and take comfort that the remaining things are a little be better than they were in Destiny 1. :)

The problem is that they've made it something you have to think about now. I used to be able to run through a few levels, collect engrams, and just turn them all in the next time I was called back to the tower. If I wanted to do the engram dance to level up faster, it was a mild annoyance, but wasn't too much trouble.

Sure, even after the "new and improved" system I still totally have the option to play through the levels and decrypt everything all at once after I'm done, and I'm going to have to do that to make any progress in the game. Now, though, every engram I pick up after the first one is gimped in power level because I have higher level gear that is locked in an engram and not included in the power level calculation. And once I finally get to decrypt them all, I'll be unlocking a ton of stuff that's just one small step beyond my current level, instead of seeing a decent jump after playing for a while.

It used to be "Have fun, then collect useful rewards." Now it's "Have fun, or collect useful rewards."


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