
Think... er... I mean, Decrypt Different™ ;) (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, September 01, 2017, 09:17 (2693 days ago) @ dogcow

I get what you're saying, but I don't think it really matters how it compares to the current (D1) situation. The new system may be an improvement over the old system, but it still seems like they've unnecessarily divided your upgrade options into either the fun path (play the game, turn in stuff when you're done) or the optimal path (pause the fun to run to the Cryptarch after every engram) instead of letting the fun path BE the optimal path.

I guess the optimal path will depend on the legendary drop rate (off of non-bosses), how long it takes to complete a mission, and how long it take to go to the cryptarch.

At present we can only compare to D1... so that's what I'm going to go off of. Legendary engram drops from enemies rarely happen (excluding bosses). So, typically, you'll get legendary engrams after defeating a boss at the end of a mission and you'll just head to the cryptarch then, which is pretty normal behavior at present. What DOES concern me is that raids will turn into a disjointed-everyone-go-to-the-cryptarch-after-each-boss experience. This could be fixed by having the raid bosses only drop actual gear, never engrams.

Also, I wanted to mention this:

Daniel: Destiny 2's Engrams are pretty cool, because they'll tell you right on the tooltip what the power they dropped at is. This is the minimum power that will come out of the engram.

Minimum power, who's to say it doesn't take into account your current if you've increased in light before decrypting? We don't know, they haven't said, but I hope this is the case.

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