
Ridiculous (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Friday, September 01, 2017, 19:56 (2692 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So staying in the same playlist and playing strikes over and over is any different?!

Yes in my opinion. I mean I'm surprised you're saying they're the same honestly. Shooting into a cave or killing the same 3 groups of enemies in one small location is WAY different than playing strikes. Farming or grinding is playing in a way I don't like to increase my level/get items. If I don't like an activity I don't play it. And you know what's SUPER boring? Staying in one location so that I can "level faster."

It absolutely is not on a conceptual level any different.

We should just stop talking because I can't think of anything to say aside from that is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

Playing a strike over and over in hopes of getting loot.
Shooting dudes in a cave over and over to get loot.

1. Both repetitive
2. Both motivated by reward
3. Both done with efficiency

The exact same thing, one is just disguised better.

That is so ridiculously reductive it could apply to ANY game with almost any progression system whatsoever OTHER than one that uses a linear progression with no repetition, no randomization.

You can always find enough commonalities and draw a wide enough circle to encompass a huge range of things and say, "these things are essentially all the same" but that doesn't mean you've said anything meaningful.

It's sort of like walking around complaining about how boring the Earth is because all its life is based on carbon.

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